Zámek Tovačov, Cimburkova 1, Tovačov 751 01, Česká republika
November - March closed
April, May, September, October - open Saturday and Sunday, holidays
June, July, August - open Tuesday through Sunday, holidays
Tours of the castle, climbing the tower, gallery, souvenirs, electric charger, possibility of wedding ceremonies, special seasonal tours
The chateau with its 85-metre-high Slender Tower is the unmistakable dominant feature of the town of Tovačov. Moreover, the tower provides a breathtaking view of the surrounding water kingdom full of lakes and ponds.
According to a legend, the chateau was established in the 2nd half of the 11th century as a hunters’ refuge, and later served as a well-protected water fort. The most important ruling dynasties were the House of Tovačov and Cimburk (Tobischau von Cimburg) and later the House of Pernštejn (Pernstein). The former rebuilt the fort into a castle fortified by ramparts with corner bastions. Ctibor of Tovačov and Cimburk added a slender tower to the medieval core of the castle. The courtyard can be accessed from the tower’s ground floor through a unique portal, considered the oldest Italian Renaissance work in countries north of the Alps. During the Hussite Wars, Tovačov Castle was among the most prominent Hussite sites in Moravia. The House of Pernštejn redeveloped the castle into a massive early-Renaissance fortress that met contemporary requirements for comfortable living. The last owners in the early 20th century were the Gutmann family, whose members made the last architectural modifications in Neo-Renaissance style. After World War II, the chateau was transferred to the state, and it is administered by the Tovačov Municipality.
The guided tour will show you a number of mainly Renaissance and Baroque interiors. You will surely be captivated by the unique stairway, built as a copy of the Vienna State Opera stairway, but also by the Knight’s Hall and the Assembly Hall with a gothic vault and baroque frescos. Other sights include the original octagonal chapel with a dome reaching the height of 17 metres. The interiors show how the last owners, the Gutmanns, lived at the chateau, you will even see their lavatories and bathrooms.
Tovačov Chateau organises a number of popular events, such as Christmas and Easter tours, arts-and-crafts fairs, and various theatrical performances.