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Úsov Chateau

Úsov Chateau


Zámecká 1, 789 73 Úsov

Opening Hours

April, September, October: 9:00 - 16:30 (Tuesday - Sunday, holidays)
May, June: 9:00 - 18:00 (Tuesday - Sunday, holidays)

July, August: 9:30 - 19:00 (Tuesday - Sunday, holidays)
November - March: closed


refreshments, souvenirs

Úsov Chateau

Built in the style of a French castel, Úsov Chateau is one of the oldest preserved north Moravian aristocratic residences.

A Gothic castle was built on the site in the early 13th century. It gained its Baroque form in the late 17th century under the rule of the House of Liechtenstein. In 1852, the chateau housed the first school of forestry in Moravia. The House of Liechtenstein owned the Úsov domain until 1945 when their assets were nationalised, and their extensive collections were turned into a museum. Since 1995, the chateau has been the property of the town of Úsov.

Nowadays, the chateau is home to the Hunting and Forestry Museum, a truly unique collection of hunting trophies and natural science items. The collection has been preserved in virtually the same condition as when it was installed at the chateau by Johann II, Prince of Liechtenstein, at the turn of the 19th century. You can see approximately ten thousand exhibits here – from stuffed animals, both exotic and domestic, to minerals, antlers, and insects, to the models of forest buildings and hunting and poacher’s firearms. The animal trophies come from Liechtenstein expeditions around Europe, Asia, America, and Africa. But there are also other exhibits at the castle. History buffs will surely be captivated by the interactive Journey Through the Middle Ages, focusing on medieval crafts like pottery, the building trade, and extraction of metals, so important for the region.

There are also two exhibits for children – the Safari with dermoplastic models of African animals and various interactive items, and the interactive Fairy-Tale Playroom.